

Friday, February 19, 2016

Welcome to my Ginger House! I just wanted to write a little intro to my blog. My name is Karlie and I recently moved to Texas from Maryland. It's definitely been a change and sometimes a struggle, but an adventure. I have a beautiful baby girl who is 6 months old and she keeps me very busy. I wouldn't trade her for the world. My husband, Tyler, is currently working on his teacher's certification so that he can be a high school teacher for the state of Texas. He recently finished his Masters when we were living in Maryland. I'm so proud of him.

Everyday is always an adventure. We are currently living with my in-laws, which means we downsized from a two story house to a small bedroom. However, it's nice to have the help with Baby E.

I've never really done a blog before. I think the purpose of this blog is to share my experiences as mom and why life is precious and should be enjoyed, not dreaded. Come along with me as we go on this crazy but wondrous adventure I call life.